Real-Time Risers

A reactive game audio solution

Adapting parameters of riser audio effects in real-time improves synchronicity and workflow. RTR is a prototype tool that allows its users to design and efficiently implement a riser that adapts to game data in real-time. The tool has been developed for my master's research into Real-Time Procedural Risers in Games.



A fast and optimised workflow allows the user to make changes to the riser and immediatly hear the riser back in-game. The tool works similar to standard audio middleware, using a seperate studio solution and engine integration plugin that are build on the same low-level audio system. An alternative approach of implementing the tool directly into Unreal Engine is currently being explored.


Risers are efficient low-cost audio effects. But because risers are synchronised to their start as well as their point of impact, they are difficult to implement in an adaptive system. Risers consist of three dynamic elements: the attack, the impact, and the release. Most emphasis is put on the attack as risers are often used to build up to something. The release serves to build the audio down so that it does not abruptly stop. By modulating the audio data in between the start and impact, the riser can go on for a longer or shorter amount of time.



Implement the riser effect quickly and efficiently, using an Unreal Engine 4 Plugin. Two different integration methods are available. First, actors can be placed in the level. One for the start and one for the impact position of the riser. By dragging these to their desired locations in the level, the riser can be quickly and efficiently implemented. Alternatively, blueprints can be used, for example when the start and/or stop position are not physical locations.